Content inside a button can be animate on hover. Simply include the classes .btn-animated together with .from-top or .from-left to specify the animation direction, You can wish to have any icon you want in side the "hidden-block" div
Tired of seeing the standard Bootstrap dropdown? Wrap your dropdown toggle button and dropdown menu within .dropdown-default to get a modern and clean feel
Add .btn-tag followed by .btn-tag-light or .btn-tag-dark to have tag options with color variations for buttons. Additionally, rounded tags can be achieved by adding .btn-tag-rounded
<!-- Tag with a light background -->
<button class="btn btn-tag btn-tag-light m-r-20">Link me</button>
<!-- Tag with a dark background -->
<button class="btn btn-tag btn-tag-dark">Link me</button>
<!-- Rounded tag with a light background -->
<button class="btn btn-tag btn-tag-light btn-tag-rounded m-r-20">Link me</button>
<!-- Rounded tag with a dark background -->
<button class="btn btn-tag btn-tag-dark btn-tag-rounded">Link me</button>
Rounded buttons
Any button can be made to have rounded corners by adding .btn-rounded