
Pages helper css classes allow you to build your custom layout without touching any CSS code

These classes are generic helper classes predifined in the CSS of pages, here is quick view what they can do

  • Set margins - Available for all directions from 5 - 90 px stepping value 5px

  • Set padding - Available for all directions from 5 - 90 px stepping value 5px

  • Set border - Available for all sides, default pages border color

  • Border Radius - Option to set border radius, size sm / md / lg

  • Image wrapping - Circular image wrap with custom size, sm / md / lg


You can add this helper class to any element in your HTML code to set Margins

m-t-10 which means Margin Top 10px m-b-20 which means Margin Bottom 20px m-l-5 which means Margin Left 5px m-r-35 which means Margin Right 35px


Value can not be anything, 1,2,4,5,6. It has a step of 5px, eg: 5,10,15


To remove margin from a HTML element add the class no-margin


You can add this helper class to any element in your HTML code to set Padding

p-t-10 which means Padding Top 10px p-b-20 which means Padding Bottom 20px p-l-5 which means Padding Left 5px p-r-35 which means Padding Right 35px

Value can not be anything, 1,2,4,5,6. It has a step of 5px, eg: 5,10,15


To remove padding from a HTML element add the class no-padding


You can add this helper class to any element in your HTML code to set Border, border currently supports one pixel

Border Color

By default pages is shipped with border helper classes are of two

b-transparent 40% opacity








<div class="b-b b-grey">
  I have a bottom border 

Border Style

b-dashed - change the border style to 'dashed'

b-thick - change the border width to 2px

Border Radius

Helpy class to apply quick border radius, you can change the value in misc.less or in style.css

Table-like behavior

Add table behavior to any div by using these helper classes. These classes will come handy when you want to vertically align any content like in native tables.

I'm top aligned just like in a table-cellI'm middle aligned just like in a table-cell

<div class="container-sm-height bg-master-lighter" style="height:200px">
    <div style="height:50px" class="row row-sm-height b-b b-grey">
        <div class="col-sm-12 col-sm-height col-top ">
            <span class="hint-text">I'm top aligned just like in a table-cell</span>

    <div class="row row-sm-height ">
        <div class="col-sm-12 col-sm-height col-middle ">
            <span class="hint-text">I'm middle aligned just like in a table-cell</span>

The table created in the above example is only activated for resolutions ≥768px. Hence the prefix *-sm-*. You can replace *-sm-* with any other breakpoint prefix defined in Bootstrap to restrict the table-like behavior to a particular resolution (ex: 'xs','md','lg')

You can also append col-middle, col-top or col-bottom to col-*-height to vertically align the content

It is also possible to mix these classes together with Bootstrap's row and col-*-* classes without any conflict

Elements that resize maintaining aspect ratio

Make the height of any element auto-adjust depending on its width while constraining to a given aspect ratio.

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-3">
        <div class="ar-1-2">
            <div class="bg-master-light padding-20">

    <div class="col-sm-3">
        <div class="ar-2-3">
            <div class="bg-master-light padding-20">

    <div class="col-sm-3">
        <div class="ar-1-1">
            <div class="bg-master-light padding-20">

    <div class="col-sm-3">
        <div class="ar-3-2">
            <div class="bg-master-light padding-20">

    <div class="col-sm-3 m-t-20">
        <div class="ar-2-1">
            <div class="bg-master-light padding-20">

Absolute positioning

Makes elements to have position:absolute. Add .relative to the parent of the element that you want to be absolute to have relative positioning

Like - Top-left, Bottom-left, Top-right & Bottom-right

<div class="relative" style="height:300px">
    <!-- Equivalent to "pull-up" -->
    <div class="top-left bg-master-light text-center padding-20">Top-left</div>
    <!-- Equivalent to "pull-bottom" -->
    <div class="bottom-left bg-master-light text-center padding-20">Bottom-left</div>
    <div class="top-right bg-master-light text-center padding-20">Top-right</div>
    <div class="bottom-right bg-master-light text-center padding-20">Bottom-right</div>

It is also possible to mix two or more classes. ex: Mixing top-left top-right will produce the following CSS stylingtop:0; left:0; right:0

Misc. classes

Last updated