Session and other pages

Pages ship with a few session pages like login, register, & lock screen.

Session pages are found under the module sessionModule which can be located in src/app/session folder. There is no root component / Layout assigned from these components. Each page / session page layout is assigned from the router.

import { Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { 
} from './@pages/layouts';

export const AppRoutes: Routes = [

    path: '',
    //Your root layout
    component: BlankComponent,
    children: [{
      path: 'session',
      loadChildren: './session/session.module#SessionModule'

In the sample router note that BlankComponent is imported from @pages - located in the folder @pages/layouts. And this import is used in the component:BlankComponent of the sample code above. Note that in BlankComponent we have only loaded styles relevantly needed for that module. You can see it in @pages/layouts/blank/blank.component.scss

Can we used the condensedLayout for sessionModules / Session Pages

Yes you can, make sure you have imported CondensedLayout from

import { CondensedComponent} from './@pages/layouts';

Then you need to make sure the styles are imported to your @pages/layouts/condensed/condensed.component.scss

Styles that are required for Session Pages

@import "modules/login.scss";

//Lock screen
@import "modules/lock_screen.scss";

@import "modules/_error.scss";

You can try this with any layout you like in @pages/layouts

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